Manage your channel branding - Computer - YouTube Help
Watch how to manage your channel branding. Watch the following video from the YouTube Creators channel on how to update your profile picture, channel banner, and video watermark. Customize Your Channel Branding & Layout: Add a Profile …
Channel banner & profile picture tips - YouTube Help - Google Help
Profile Picture is your signature image or logo that represents your channel. It appears in many places—on your channel page, when you comment, and on the bottom right of videos in most playback modes. It’s best to upload a square or round image. Banner Image is a larger space for you to show what your channel is about. We recommend that ...
Verification badges on channels - YouTube Help - Google Help
The channel also needs to have content and be active on YouTube. Sometimes, YouTube may also proactively verify channels with fewer than 100,000 subscribers that are well-known outside of YouTube. Distinguish your channel without verification. If your channel isn't verified, here are some other ways to distinguish your channel from similar ...
Manage your YouTube channel’s profile - Computer - Google Help
After changing your name, it may take a few days for the new name to update and display across YouTube. If you change your YouTube channel name and picture, it will only be visible on YouTube. You can change your Google Account name and picture here (with no changes made to your YouTube channel name).
Impersonation policy - YouTube Help - Google Help
Don’t post content on YouTube if it fits any of the descriptions noted below. Channel impersonation: A channel that copies another channel's profile, background, or overall look and feel in such a way that makes it look like someone else's channel. The channel does not have to be 100% identical, as long as the intent is clear to copy the ...
Introduction to Official Artist Channels - YouTube Help - Google …
Official Artist Channel Features All your fans come together on your Official Artist Channel. When you get an Official Artist Channel, we merge subscribers from your topic channel, Vevo channel (if available), and your existing channel into your new channel. The subscribe button and subscriber count will no longer be displayed on your existing ...
Create a YouTube channel - YouTube Help - Google Help
Create a channel by clicking Create a new channel. Create a YouTube channel for a Brand Account that you already manage by choosing the Brand Account from the list. If this Brand Account already has a channel, you can't create a new one. When you select the Brand Account from the list, you’ll be switched over to that channel.
Customize YouTube channel layout - YouTube Help - Google Help
You can highlight and showcase content for your audience when you turn on the “Home tab” on your channel. Turn the "Home tab" on or off. YouTube Studio. Sign in to YouTube Studio. From the left menu, select Customization Home tab. Next to the "Home tab," turn on or off the toggle bar. YouTube Studio app. Open the YouTube Studio app .
Badge verifikasi pada channel - Bantuan YouTube - Google Help
Mengubah nama sebutan channel Anda tidak akan menghapus badge verifikasi. YouTube berhak mencabut verifikasi atau menghentikan channel yang melanggar Pedoman Komunitas atau Persyaratan Layanan YouTube. Verifikasi telah berubah dari waktu ke waktu, sehingga Anda kemungkinan akan melihat banyak jenis channel terverifikasi di YouTube.
Delete or hide your YouTube channel - YouTube Help - Google Help
Hiding your channel will make channel name, videos, likes, subscriptions, and subscribers private. Hide your channel or your channel's content: Sign in to YouTube Studio. From the left sidebar, select Settings. Select Channel Advanced Settings. …