Tetric® N-Line - Ivoclar
The Tetric N-Line of products consists of four coordinated composite resins for your direct restorative needs. Tetric N-Ceram is a mouldable universal composite for anterior and posterior restorations and Tetric N-Flow is its flowable counterpart.
义获嘉Tetric® N-Ceram树指的使用说明书
Tetric N-Ceram是一种光固化的、射线透不过的、混合型复合树脂,用于修复治疗。 Tetric N-Ceram 固化使用的光波范围是400~500nm (蓝光)。 Tetric N-Ceram包括下列色系: 牙釉质色系:A1,A2,A3,A3.5,A4,B2,B3,C2,C3,D3. 牙本质色系:A3.5 Dentin,B2 Dentin. 高透明切端色系:T. 漂白色系:Bleach Light (L),Bleach Incisal (I),Bleach Medium (M) Tetric N-Ceram由乙基二甲基丙烯酸 (19~20 wt.%)组成。 填料包括钡玻璃,三氟化镱,混合氧化物和 …
The Tetric Line | Dental Composites | Ivoclar USA
Tetric Prime is a sculptable universal composite for the anterior and posterior region. The material’s pronounced chameleon effect and excellent handling properties make it particularly suitable for rebuilding lost tooth structure in the highly visible anterior region.
follow on from the clinically reliable, universal composite Tetric N-Ceram. Tetric N-Ceram Bulk Fill is a light-cured, hybrid composite for direct restorations (Class I and II) in posterior teeth, and may also be used for Class V restorations, extended fissure sealing in molars and premolars and for reconstructive build-up. Tetric N-Ceram Bulk ...
义获嘉 tetric n-ceram纳米瓷化树脂 A2色 - jingpinyake.cn
【产品名称】 : 义获嘉tetric n-ceram纳米瓷化树脂. 光固化,高X线阻射,纳米混合填料树脂,适用于直接充填 【适应症状】:前后牙通用充填树脂 【产品特点】: 高X线阻射 良好的抛光性 纳米级的颜色粉使颜色一致,并有变色龙效果
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Due to their lean shade range and innovative technology, Tetric ® N-Ceram and Tetric N-Flow are economical and esthetic composites that satisfy the demands of all cavity classes in routine dental work.
义获嘉 Tetric N-Ceram Bulk Fill 3次方大块充填树脂 IVA
【产品说明】3次方大块充填树脂(Tetric N-Ceram Bulk Fill)是Tetric N-Collection瓷化纳米系列中一款一次性大块充填4mm的树脂。 此款树脂使用3个义获嘉伟瓦登特最新科技成分,克服许多大块充填产品面临难题,使临床医生可在维持修复体美观下,以快速简单的3个步骤 ...
Tetric N-ceram IVOCLAR - Taj Dent
Tetric N-Ceram from Ivoclar Vivadent is a light-curing, radiopaque dental restorative which is based on nano-hybrid composite technology. It is suitable for the esthethic restoration of teeth in the anterior and posterior region.
Dental News - The renaissance of a classic: Tetric-N ...
2009年3月3日 · With the new, improved technology, Tetric-N Ceram is strong enough for Class I and II restorations and high aesthetic Class III, IV and V restorations. In addition, a high gloss can be achieved within seconds, which also helps to save time.
Optical behavior and marginal discoloration of a single shade resin ...
2024年2月20日 · Our results revealed that the color-matching capability of Omnichroma, a single-shade composite, was comparable to that of Tetric‑N‑Ceram, a multi‑shade composite.