Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (peace be on him) - Al Islam
In 1891 in Qadian, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) received repeated revelations that Jesus (as) of Nazareth, in whose second advent both the Muslims and Christians believed, had died a natural death and that what was meant by his second advent was that a person should appear in the spirit of Jesus and that he himself was that person, the ...
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad – The Promised Messiah - Al Islam
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (as) (Ahmad (as)) claimed to be a prophet who was The Promised Messiah and Mahdi. Ahmad (as) claimed to be the metaphorical second coming of Jesus (as) of Nazareth and the divine guide, whose advent was foretold …
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad - Wikipedia
Born to a family with aristocratic roots in Qadian, rural Punjab, Ahmad emerged as a writer and debater for Islam. When he was just over forty years of age, his father died and around that time he claimed that God began to communicate with him.
The Revealed Sermon - Al Islam
Khutbah Ilhamiyyah (‘The Revealed Sermon’) is an Arabic sermon delivered by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah (as), on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha. On that very morning of 11 April 1900, he had received the Divine revelation, ‘Today you will deliver the speech in Arabic; you have been endowed with this ability.’
The Essence of Islam is an English translation of extracts from the writings, speeches, announcements and discourses of Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadianas (1835-1908), the Promised Messiah, Mahdi and Founder of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama‘at. The original compilation was made with great care and
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad - Al Islam
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) (1835–1908) was born in Qadian, India. From his early life, he dedicated himself to prayer and studying the Holy Quran and other scriptures. He was deeply pained to observe the plight of Islam, which was being attacked from all directions.
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (as) - Profile Page & Archives - Al Islam
In 1889 Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (peace be upon him) received Divine revelation to take the Bai’at (the Pledge of Initiation) in the following words: “When thou hast determined, put thine trust in Allah. And build the Ark under Our eyes, as commanded by our revelation. Verily, those who swear allegiance to thee indeed swear allegiance to ...
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad | Biography & Facts | Britannica
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Indian Muslim religious leader who founded an Islamic religious movement called the Ahmadiyyah. He sought to synthesize all religions under Islam, declaring himself to be not only the manifestation of the Prophet Muhammad but also the Second Advent of Jesus as well as the Hindu deity Krishna.
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad - Al Islam
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian (as) Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (as), Love for All, Hatred for None. Al Islam The Official Website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
The Victory of Islam is the English rendering of Fath-e-Islam, an Urdu treatise penned in 1890 by Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, peace be on him. It outlines the divinely ordained strategy to combat the aggressive misinforma-tion campaigns orchestrated by Christian missionaries through-out the Muslim world.