约 3,770,000 个结果
  1. Japanese Meaning of 米 (kome) | JLPT N4 – JLPTsensei.com

  2. 米 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

  3. The Kanji ‘米’ (ベイ): Origins, Meaning, and Usage | NIPPOLLE

  4. Kome Fine Japanese Cuisine Restaurant - OpenTable

  5. Learn JLPT N4 Vocabulary: 米 (kome) – Japanesetest4you.com

  6. 米 | kome - Translation and Meaning in Japanese - Suki Desu

  7. 米, こめ, よね, めめ, コメ, kome, yone, meme, kome - Nihongo …

  8. Kome vs. Meshi vs. Gohan vs. Don: Meaning in Japanese

  9. Gohan or Kome: different words for “rice” - Japanese Food and …

  10. JLPT N3 Kanji: 米 (bei, kome) Meaning: rice, USA – JLPTsensei.com