Post Info TOPIC: Ford 601 mounted corn picker - ActiveBoard
2007年11月27日 · Anyway I just picked up a Ford 601 mounted picker, and it is in pretty good shape considering it is probabally 35 years old. Any pointers or past history of this picker is greatly appreciated. Here are some pic's, enjoy
Ford 602 Mounted Picker on CL - Corn picker forum - ActiveBoard
2009年11月3日 · Ford Model 602 mounted corn picker. Always shedded, low acres, new drive belt. Best Offer or it's going to the scrap yard. Will load. Cell phone: 1-715-220-3240 Ron (as I rarely look at my email.) _____
Ford 601 - Corn picker forum - ActiveBoard
2013年12月12日 · A mounted picker and 30" rows won't work - not enough room for the tractor. Sorry - I was thinking a 2-row machine! One-row should work (but I would imagine it would still be tight).-- Edited by jdtom on Thursday 26th of December 2013 09:40:49 AM _____
New Idea 319 mounted picker for sale - Corn picker forum
2017年8月15日 · We have a New Idea model 319 mounted picker for sale, husking unit model 322, and sheller unit 315, its mounted on an Oliver 1600, we only use it to open fields and just decided it's easier to plant the corn so we don't have to use it, the tractor never runs right from sitting all year. $800 is what we would like for the picker and units, we aren't sure about selling the tractor with it but if ...
Spotted Ford Mounted Picker - Corn picker forum
Minneapolis Moline M670 Super, MM G950 Diesel, MM U302 Super, Oliver G1355 Diesel, MM H320 Picker, MM S600 Semi-mount plow, MM M3300 Plow, MM CR Hayrake, MM Lawn Tractors, 1959 Ford F600 w/ John Deere No 6 Sheller, 1964 International C1500 Grain Truck
Ford picker registry - Corn picker forum
Have a blue Ford 1 row mounted picker/sheller mounted on Ford 3000 for about 2 weeks each year,just to hobby farm about 6 acres of corn.I'm not fully sure of the difference between series 601,602,604 and whatever other numbers apply,but I'm trying to figure all that out.
Post Info TOPIC: My Massey Harris Self-propelled Corn Picker
2010年1月1日 · We later had an AC #17 on a 1958 D-17 diesel and then a 1961 Ford red 2 row mounted on a Ford 981 Select-o-Speed. The Ford picker was traded in 1963 on a new Gleaner E with 10 foot grain head and a 2 row corn head , ending our ear picking until 1984 when I grew Pioneer seed corn for several years and my neighbor picked it with his Uni.
IH Mounted picker models - Corn picker forum
2011年11月6日 · New Idea had one for the pull-type two rows and one for the mounted two-rows, but I think they just ground the corn, couldn't be set to shell. Deere also offered a grinder unit for the 227 and 237 mounted pickers. Dairy farmer near here ran a Deere unit on a 237 back in the early '80s, and blew the corn-cob mix into a tile silo.
Ford 4000 and 602 picker - Corn picker forum - ActiveBoard
2016年11月29日 · WOW ! Awesome set up. I saw one other ford 4000 trike with a new idea super picker on it. But the last time i went by there ,it was gone.=( ... I cant wait to use my wd 45 with a 2 row mounted dearborn picker on it. I loved the way it threw the corn way back in the wagon. Look's like it builds as close to a perfect load . _____
Ford picker on Ford 4000 - Corn picker forum
that is an older dearborn version from the red paint showing thru.Mine is the same except ona wd45 allis chalmersFrom what i have heard they were the best picker of the 50s and i think new idea modeled their super pickers after them.I cant wait to get to use mine. I never got to use a mounted picker. _____