约 3 个结果

Where's the Duraglit? - urban75 forums
2008年3月21日 · Duraglit wadding for silver (which from my childhood I think used to be in blue tins) has similarly been rebranded as Silvo. You can definitely get it in Robert Dyas's, and I think large branches of Sainsbury's stock it.
t-cut for plastic? | urban75 forums
2005年12月1日 · Would that not be Brasso Duraglit wadding is also rather useful. T-Cut itself can be very useful on some plastics/wood varnishes etc but the usual "test a small insignificant area first" proviso applies.
One of my brass knobs has gone green | urban75 forums
2009年1月10日 · Bedknobs, I mean. Is there a way of cleaning it, or should I just get a new one? Why has it gone green in the first place (the other three are fine)?