约 80,200 个结果
  1. Taipei’s hottest new menu item is a 14-legged crustacean - CNN

  2. Isopod: New giant 14-legged sea creature discovered by …

  3. New Species of Deep Sea Isopod Discovered | Smithsonian

  4. Is giant isopod the next big ramen topping? Everything you need …

  5. Taipei restaurant serves alien-like 14-legged giant isopod on top …

  6. Ramen Shop Serving 14-Legged Deep-Sea Creature As 'Dream' …

  7. Taipei’s hottest new menu item is a 14-legged crustacean

  8. Giant isopod noodles tempt brave Taipei diners

  9. Giant isopod noodles at Taipei restaurant for adventurous patrons

  10. A 14-legged isopod, new star dish of a restaurant in Taiwan