The XIPS-25, or 25-cm Xenon Ion Propulsion System, is a gridded ion thruster manufactured by L-3 Communications. XIPS-25 engine is used on Boeing 702 class satellites for station-keeping as well as orbit-raising.
Extensive modeling of the XIPS thruster grid wear has been performed using an upgraded version of JPL’s CEX-2D code to determine the throughput capabilities of the thruster based on grid life. The CEX code has been benchmarked against the NSTAR LDT and ELT life tests and the observed accel-grid erosion in the 25-cm XIPS life test.
The XIPS 25-cm thrusters are designed to operate in two modes; a 4.5 kW \high power" mode with an Isp of 3500 s for orbit raising and a \low power" mode at 2.3 kW and an Isp of 3400 s for station-keeping, attitude control and momentum dumping.
2013年3月14日 · It consists of four 13 cm xenon ion thrusters and two power processors in a fully redundant configuration to provide north-south station-keeping, momentum dumping and eccentricity control. The first 601HP satellite with electric propulsion system was …
The XIPS ion thruster uses a third molybdenum decelerator grid (“decel grid”), in addition to screen and accel molybdenum grids. To predict the long-term life and performance of the XIPS thruster, we must understand how
1990年1月1日 · Using a ring‐cusp magnetic field to confine the discharge plasma, the XIPS thruster converts input power into thrust‐beam power with an efficiency of over 82%. We also describe a XIPS ion source under development for more …