Doubles - Galarian Moltres | Smogon Forums - Smogon University
2024年2月26日 · Go Berserk with Galarian Moltres, one of DOU's most unique setup sweepers! While it has a somewhat unimpressive base Special Attack stat, Nasty Plot and Berserk allow Galarian Moltres to accumulate boosts with ease and end games with Fiery Wrath, the strongest spread Dark-type move in the game.
Draft - Galarian Moltres | Smogon Forums
2024年4月27日 · While its Galarian Moltres's sweeping capabilities are great, several notable flaws hold it back. Galarian Moltres' speed its Speed (filler) and special attack Special Attack are both rather unimpressive before boosts, leaving it unable to break healthy foes and being outsped by faster threats before setting up.
GG - Galarian Moltres [Done] | Smogon Forums - Smogon University
2022年6月21日 · Galarian Moltres is one of the most threatening sweepers on offensive teams thanks to its excellent STAB coverage, solid bulk, and ability to run Nasty Plot and Agility on the same set. Hurricane is its most powerful attack and has excellent coverage, blasting common specially defensive walls like Tangrowth and Ferrothorn.
Moltres-Galar | SV | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University
Moltres-Galar | SV | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University ... Loading... ...
Monotype - Galarian Moltres (Dark) | Smogon Forums
2021年4月2日 · [OVERVIEW] Dark ===== * Galarian Moltres is an excellent addition to Dark teams due to its Flying typing, providing them with immunity to Ground-type attacks such as Excadrill's Earthquake, as well as being able to take on Fighting - and Fairy-type Pokemon such as Keldeo, Urshifu-S, Tapu Bulu, and Azumarill with Hurricane.
OU - Galarian Moltres | Smogon Forums
2021年11月2日 · Galarian Moltres is a deadly sweeper that becomes difficult to stop after using Nasty Plot and Agility, as it hits hard and outspeeds the entire metagame. Fiery Wrath and Hurricane give it great coverage, hitting most of the metagame except Tapu Koko and Tyranitar, which struggle to check it well, for at least neutral damage.
SV OU - GALARIAN MOLTRES - Smogon University
2024年10月22日 · The star of the show and easily my favorite member of this team. This set allows Galarian Moltres to function as both a sweeper and a balance breaker; Moltres-G becomes faster than every relevant Pokemon in the metagame after obtaining an Agility boost, making it a deadly late-game cleaner once it finds an opportunity to set up.
UU Suspect Coverage: Galarian Moltres - Smogon University
2022年5月13日 · Galarian Moltres has been a controversial Pokémon ever since its introduction to the tier during the Crown Tundra DLC. Despite being one of the scariest Pokémon to face on hyper offense teams, taking advantage of many metagame staples like Zarude for free setup, it really struggled to have long term consistency, occasionally rising to the top ...
SS OU ALAKAZAM PSYSPAM - PEAKED #1, 2086 ft. Galarian Moltres
2021年12月4日 · Often Galarian Moltres is the final wincon of the team, to be used as a last sweeper when Tapu Lele and Alakazam have been used to break the opponent’s team. Heavy Duty Boots are chosen to let Galarian Moltres enter on Stealth Rock throughout the battle without taking damage.
VGC Yveltal from Wish (Galarian Moltres) [GP 1/1] - Smogon …
2024年5月29日 · Galarian Moltres gives it speed control and strong super effective damage against the Ghost-types Zamazenta-C would typically struggle against while Zamazenta-C grants Wide Guard support for Galarian Moltres, allowing it to effectively counter Calyrex-I. Fairy-types that would try to counter Galarian Moltres like Flutter Mane and Tera Fairy ...