Former Sony executive Shawn Layden has suggested that releasing PlayStation games on Xbox might not make sense given ...
For PlayStation's 30th anniversary, ex-PlayStation America CEO Shawn Layden has candidly talked about his experiences working ...
Here are the best Cyber Monday gaming deals we can find, with deals for the PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X/S, ...
根据Welfare在Install Base论坛上的分享,他在关注亚马逊的销售情况时发现,PS5在11月的销量超过了竞争对手,并且已经上市8年的Nintendo Switch仍然超越了Xbox。他指出,得益于PlayStation 5 ...
A lot of rumors are currently circulating around a handheld Xbox console, some of which suggest that this Xbox tech will come ...
Publisher Akupara Games and developer Tmesis Studio will release hand-drawn adventure game Universe for Sale for PlayStation ...
Yes, the all-digital version of the Xbox Series X comes in a 1TB version now, and it's $50 off as a Black Friday deal. Pair ...
PlayStation在游戏界一直以卓越的第一方游戏阵容著称,其辉煌成就可追溯至PS3时代。那时,PlayStation的内部工作室便连续推出了多款高质量游戏,奠定了其在业界的领先地位。此后,这家游戏巨头几乎每年都保持着旺盛的创作力,不断推出热门游戏 ...
A credible insider suggests that a big design change in the upcoming Xbox handheld console may allow it to natively run ...
今年初,Xbox调整了游戏发布策略,将一些自家大作移植到PS5。据eXtas1s透露,《极限竞速:地平线5》的PS5版本已完成,并有望在未来正式推出。这位爆料者曾首次披露Xbox有意向将赛车系列带到PlayStation平台,这一消息后来得到了其他来源的确认。尽管存在推迟发布的传言,但据说由于不明原因,《极限竞速:地平线5》的PS5版发布时间被推后;不过Xbox对这款游戏在PlayStation上 ...
彭博社称,索尼正在研发一款便携式PlayStation 5游戏机,这将与任天堂Switch的继任者或微软Xbox的便携式游戏机直接竞争。微软游戏业务首席执行官菲尔·斯宾塞(Phil ...