Gods and Monsters include The Brave and the Bold, a live-action movie from The Flash director Andy Muschietti that is set to introduce the DCU Batman and Robin, and the live-action Max series Waller ...
“There’s a way that superhero movies have taken these characters and said, ‘Okay, yeah, it’s Batman, but it’s not any of the other ... “I knew from the beginning what I wanted to do with the music,” ...
The country singer opened the show with Post Malone, delivering their duet “California Sober,” and later performed “What Am I Gonna Do,” the opening track of his Album of the Year ...
and the main thing that we all agreed on was that we did not want to do a 'very special,' serious final season. We just concentrated on being funny. I finished editing three of the episodes ...
We all know him, but do we really KNOW him? Superman, Robin, Nightwing, Wonder Woman, and other classic superheroes take us on an inside look at the man they call "Batman".The boys from Bullcrank.com ...