月经失调性不孕症,是指妇女长期月经错乱,夫妇同居3年以上不受孕者,为妇科临床常见病之一。经期或前或后,或数月一至,或一月数至,甚则闭经。经量或多或少,经色或淡或紫,或经行腹痛,或经期前后腹痛。或伴有附件炎、输卵管包块、子宫发育不全、子宫内膜炎等。那么 ...
This classic ballet by famed Russian choreographer Boris Eifman focuses on the love story and eroticism between Anna and Vronsky from the famed novel, and is renowned as a modern masterpiece.
Paulaner Bräuhaus Shanghai will once again bring the popular beer festival to Shanghai along with freshly brewed Paulaner Festbier, hearty Bavarian delicacies and a band from the original Oktoberfest ...