The series is co-directed by Kenji Kamiyama, who has handled the “Ghost in the Shell ... To learn more about the latest developments in Japanese anime, visit the official site of Anime Anime ...
News delivered via satellite from NHK Japan, in Japanese, no subtitles. Watch on SBS WorldWatch at 11pm everyday, also available on SBS OnDemand. NHK's core news program wrapping up the days local ...
As a fourth generation Japanese American, his cultural identity has always been grounded in food. As a child, he was in charge of making tsukemono (Japanese pickles) for family gatherings ...
TOKYO: Japan's government plans to raise the country's key taxes starting in April 2026 to fund more defence spending after a one-year delay, according to a document seen by Reuters on Thursday ...
Outgoing U.S. President Joe Biden said on Thursday that he was pardoning 39 people convicted of non-violent crimes and commuting the sentences of nearly 1,500 others who were serving long prison ...