This library should support any Arduino-compatible board, including the Pololu A-Star controllers. The HighPowerStepperDriver library supports Pololu's High-Power Stepper Motor Driver 36v4. Before ...
I am using a stepper motor with 0.8A current rating. Also I am using a DRV8823 EVM. I am confused with setting the Vref for the driver via DAC option in the GUI. The maximum Vref that can be set as ...
Beckhoff’s ASI8100 stepper motor with built-in drive adds another space-saving tool to the company’s broad range of compact ...
So he decided to replace the stepper motor controller in his turntable and ... the impressively deep throttle capability of the new driver.
The ASI8100 stepper motor with built-in drive from Beckhoff adds another space-saving tool to the company’s broad range of ...
In our project we have to use some 400 step/revolution, 3V stepper motors with 1.7A/phase (datasheet). We then decided to use the DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver, which seemed like a good choice. In the ...
Schneider Electric, the global industrial technology leader and motion control expert, has announced the launch of the Lexium ...
Recently launched by MOONS’ and available in the UK from its UK distribution partner Mclennan, the new AW series ‘Industrial ...
The new VakuStop is based on the C2213/14 vacuum regulator, which Lutz-Jesco has upgraded by adding an automatic safety valve ...
Like other PCB motors it produces very little torque, roughly 2% of a typical NEMA17 stepper motor. Even so, the engineering behind this project remains impressive. Continue reading “High ...
Lutz-Jesco has developed the VakuStop – a vacuum regulator for dosing systems that is equipped with an emergency stop.