Based on the iconic TV series, The SpongeBob Musical features songs by Yolanda Adams, Steven Tyler and Joe Perry of Aerosmith, Sara Bareilles, Jonathan Coulton, Alex Ebert of Edward Sharpe & The ...
And sometimes, like with these four examples from the 1960s and 70s, the musical blooper made it better. When Marty Robbins and his band began tracking his 1961 song, “Don’t Worry,” the live ...
There’s nothing that brings the world together more than sharing opinions about Christmas music. And why not ... the tear jerkers, this list has them all, and then some! So sit back and relax ...
PowerAMP, one of the oldest and most enduring music players on the Play Store, makes this list because of its comprehensive feature set and ability to execute the basics flawlessly. Its interface is ...
or even creating their own music. If this sounds like someone on your shopping list, we've compiled the best gifts for music lovers and musicians to make their hearts sing, from top-rated music ...
A complete rundown of the most important events across the music business. By Chris Eggertsen As part of our continuing efforts to serve the music industry and its creators, Billboard Pro now ...