Kin Hubbard, a cartoonist and humorist who died in 1930, said, “All the world loves a good loser.” A declarer dislikes losers. When he has too many, he should work out ways to reduce the ...
He was down to the ten-nine-eight of hearts and the king of spades with nine tricks in the bag. He could have made his contract at this point by leading a trump, but he completed his lovely line ...
For example, take this deal where West leads the king of spades against South’s four-heart contract. How should declarer play the hand? Let’s say South wins the spade with the ace. What should he do ...
South reached six notrump as shown, and West led the jack of spades. In rubber bridge, declarer would have no problem assuring the slam. He would simply establish dummy’s hearts, losing a trick to the ...