This sequel to the original "FAIRY TAIL" game, released in July 2020, depicts the “Alvarez Empire Arc,” the climax of the original work. Relive the dramatic culmination of the original series through ...
The latest game in the series launched back in 2022, and now players on PS4 and PS5 will be able to try it out for free. Sony has announced on the PlayStation Blog that My First Gran Turismo will ...
What are the upcoming Game Pass games on PC? New titles constantly appear on the platform, and as more developers jump on board with Microsoft’s subscription service, it can be easy to lose ...
In this article we have chronicled every game coming in 2025 and beyond, split into each month they are being released. You can also find a huge collection of games that have been confirmed to ...
I've been managing this hub of all the latest (and upcoming) Xbox Game Pass additions and departures for years at this point, making this the only source you keep up to date with the newest Game ...
Oli Welsh is senior editor, U.K., providing news, analysis, and criticism of film, TV, and games. He has been covering the business & culture of video games for two decades. This year marks the ...
What are the best multiplayer games? Intricate gameplay and glistening visuals only go so far; humans often provide the biggest surprises with schemes that transform even the most average game ...