Should you get your kids a simple voice phone or a more capable smartphone? What about parental controls? Here's what you need to know along with our top-tested picks for children of all ages ...
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"Lack of awareness about CVI is a large factor leading to it to be misdiagnosed or undiagnosed, which can mean years of frustration for children and parents who are unaware of an underlying vision ...
Although symptoms can be the same, food allergies are different than a food intolerance. Food intolerance does not affect the immune system. Some children can have potentially life-threatening ...
Increasing physical activity by an hour weekly reduces atrial fibrillation risk by 11%. Activities like walking, gardening and dancing can help, not just intense workouts. The study used Fitbit ...
A team of researchers from McGill and Université de Montréal's Observatoire pour l'éducation et la santé des enfants (OPES, or observatory on ... The activities included things like drawing ...
Cigarette smoking during childhood and adolescence causes significant health problems among young people, including an increase in the number and severity of respiratory illnesses, decreased physical ...
Fever is one of the most common reasons parents seek medical care for their children. While it can be alarming, fever is the body’s natural response to infections. In most children, a normal body ...