At the beginning of Dragon Ball Super, Gohan appeared to have embraced a completely different role from his former self, now a student with a passion for studying ants. Dragon Bal ...
In GBL, Rage Fist is a 50 base power move (60, when considering STAB) that costs 35 energy and is guaranteed to boost the user's Attack by one stage. Annihilape with Rage Fist sees a massive ...
Future Trunks is one of Dragon Ball Z's most fascinating characters, but how does his world differ from the one fans know?
LAS VEGAS (KSNV) — The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department is investigating after a road rage incident led to shots being fired in a west Las Vegas neighborhood. The incident was reported ...
LAS VEGAS (NBC, KYMA/KECY) - Police are investigating a road rage shooting on the Las Vegas Strip that left one man dead. "Had he stayed in his car. It isn't worth someone's life. There's a lot of ...
Early details reveal that the shooting was related to road rage. The victim walked up to the suspect’s vehicle before he was shot. Police said the 50-year-old male victim died at the scene.
LAS VEGAS, Nevada (KTNV) — The suspect behind the deadly road rage shooting on the Las Vegas ... police believe the victim walked up to the suspect’s vehicle before he was shot.
The victim was an Uber driver, and both the suspect and the victim were engaging in road rage. The Uber driver did have occupants in the car during the shooting. Based on their investigation, police ...
Plug Power suffered declining sales and a big net ... Although Plug reported strong growth in sales of hydrogen fuel (up 54%), sales of equipment (i.e., fuel cells) tumbled 26%.
Just as she utters those words, a Metro Vancouver Police SUV cruiser pulls up behind the two cars, and its lights begin flashing, leading the two men to break up their road rage wrestling match. We ...