The Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD) has signed memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with Finland’s Posiva Oy and its ...
Finnish waste management firm Posiva believes its complex tunnel system could store spent nuclear waste for up to one million ...
OPINION - The Nuclear Waste Management Organization’s (NWMO’s) latest attempt at gaslighting the Northwestern Ontario public ...
Only a few countries are making serious efforts to build permanent storage for spent nuclear fuel. Finland is furthest ahead; ...
Camilleri’s other bill would ban further disposal of “technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material” ...
This £3 billion tomb in Finland will store nuclear waste 1,500ft underground and will be shut off for 100,000 years ...
A regular meeting of the Belarusian-Hungarian working group for co-operation in the field of nuclear energy was held in Hungary on ...
Canada selects Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation and Ignace to host its first deep geological repository for used nuclear fuel.
Ghana is embarking on a nuclear power programme and is currently conducting preparatory work to develop the required safety ...