China Matters produced an animated feature titled A Commendable Bird Rescue Action. The animation vividly depicts the entire process of all parties working in unison to rescue sand martins at a ...
In the Daxing section of the Yongding River in Beijing, there is a nearly vertical earth slope that rises about 20 meters high and stretches 30 to 40 meters wide from north to south. Nearly 200 ...
BEIJING, Dec. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The sand martin, known as the 'bank swallow', inhabits open country near water, including riverbanks, lakeshores, and coastal cliffs. So, it is also called ...
A racing pigeon named “Ace” has soared to glory, proving that even feathered competitors can earn their wings—and a hefty prize purse—for a good cause. Andrew Cridland, a pigeon racer and ...