In this post, Dr Thambisetty reports on the LSE's contribution to COP16 negotiations and the Cali Fund.
Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations deplored the European troika’s failure to honor their commitments under the Joint ...
Iran's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations reiterated that the country is committed to its ...
New York, IRNA - Iran's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations following the joint letter of the ...
Judgments providing actual guidance for consumer goods brands are like a good action film—rare, but totally worth the wait. The UK Competition ...
Katharina Pehle of Bird & Bird considers the legislative progress and potential impact of a regulation on standard-essential ...
Former Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu has accused President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo of strategically handpicking members ...
We who without full knowledge of his real unconstitutional character and deceptive nature sowed William Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to become President of Ghana by our acts and deeds in the hope of ...
Mega pop star Christina Aguilera is turning heads in New York City this week. As seen below, the blonde beauty stunned in a ...
本文以72家沪深上市房企三季度业绩为依据,分析其盈利能力、杠杆及流动性表现,以供读者和投资者参考。2024年前三季度,沪深上市房企营业收入和净利润继续有所下滑,短期现金流紧张导致短期偿债压力有所加大。2024年房地产经历了5.17和9.26两轮政策托底,其中9.26中央政治局会议提出“要促进 房地产市场 止跌回稳”,政策力度明显加大,随后各部委加快落实各项政策,在此背景下房企更要打造好产品促进销售 ...