在动力方面,新车将搭载2.5L发动机与电动机组成的插电式混合动力系统,动力电池容量提升到了16kWh,纯电续航里程为71km。在参数上,发动机最大功率为140kW,最大扭矩为240N·m。前电机最大功率为134kW,最大扭矩为270N·m;后电机最大 ...
北京时间12月12日凌晨4点,欧冠第6轮迎来一场焦点对决,尤文图斯坐镇主场迎战曼城。瓜迪奥拉执教的曼城,在最近9场比赛仅仅收获1场胜利,当属欧洲五大联赛豪门中表现最差的球队。而状态更好的尤文图斯主场出战,并在几大超优数据的加持下,本场比赛有望捍卫主场 ...
Fallout: London is a total conversion mod based on Bethesda’s popular Fallout 4 (2015) for PC. While the team behind the mod hasn’t mentioned whether potential VR support is in the works, an intrepid ...
It's a shame that STALKER 2 doesn't have a Photo Mode, but this modded solution is the next best thing — and it's absolutely ...
The Space Marine 2 modding community has once again outdone Saber Interactive by finally allowing players to play as Chaos in Operations.
Fans crave features missing in GTA 5 for ultimate gaming experience GTA 5 mods: Iron Man, Hulk, LSPD and other cool game ...
Turbo Overkill creator's long awaited Total Chaos, a former Doom 2 mod, has received a huge overhaul, and a demo is coming very soon.
近日,住房城乡建设部、财政部联合发布通知,城中村改造政策支持范围从最初的35个超大特大城市和城区常住人口300万以上的大城市,进一步扩大到近300个地级及以上城市。记者从江苏省住房城乡建设厅获悉,根据最新政策,江苏13个设区市所辖的55个行政区均在支 ...
Total Chaos is a bold first-person survival horror game from the tiny studio behind Turbo Overkill.
Issues delivered straight to your door or device Even in the post-apocalypse, your streak matters.
Mojang is pushing Minecraft's Bedrock Edition as the superior version, but Java Edition remains the heart of the community.