Halo Combat Evolved (2001) released on the Xbox over two decades ago, but thanks to this mod, you can now play the original PC version in VR, which critically includes motion controller support.
Fallout: London is a total conversion mod based on Bethesda’s popular Fallout 4 (2015) for PC. While the team behind the mod hasn’t mentioned whether potential VR support is in the works, an intrepid ...
Alyx is one of the defining VR games in recent years. It gives fans a follow-up they didn't quite expect, but one that still ...
So, if you’re looking for ways to improve your experience in Rockstar’s immersive cowboy epic, then you’re in luck; we’ve found the best Red Dead Redemption 2 PC mods available to download right now!
What are the best Starfield mods? Mod support is an important part of many PC games, especially RPG games. Skyrim has endured all these years partly because it’s a great game, partly because ...
We’re also able to increase the internal resolution of the game, making everything look clearer and sharper, provided your PC can handle it. This handy Map Unlocker mod shows the full map ...
《Garry's Mod》销量突破2500万份成为史上最畅销PC独占游戏 Facepunch Studios近日宣布,《Garry's Mod》自发售以来,18年间共计售出超过2500万份。设计师 Garry Newman 也在推特上发言感慨。 “当 ...
Currently, it’s still not known when exactly the PC port will hit the shelves, but information will be shared in the coming months. The game will likely debut after the much-anticipated Marvel’s ...
由cepunch Studios制作,Valve负责发行的游戏《Garry's Mod》并没有设立任何目标,玩家可以自由利用游戏里的各种物理道具、NPC、车辆、武器等,来创造出自己的世界。 近日,开发商Facepunch ...
But it was the classic FPS Half-Life 2 that convinced people to install this weird military-green launcher app named Steam ...
《DQ3重制版》已上市,PC玩家的Mod社区迅速活跃起来,他们开发的各种Mod为游戏增添了各种功能调整,如加速地图移动、调整战斗随机性、改良战斗界面和移除性别限制等。然而,这些旨在提升游戏体验的Mod却引发了争议。一位日本玩家在推特上表达了不满:“当PC玩家们欢庆《勇者斗恶龙3》有了许多‘用户友好’的Mod时,我无法理解为何随意修改他人的作品。这就像你看着画说‘我觉得不好,所以帮你改进’一样。”这 ...