When a few large firms dominate a market there is always the potential for businesses to seek to reduce uncertainty and engage in some form of collusive behaviour In an oligopoly, collusion refers to ...
This study note looks at the importance of non-price competition in an oligopoly. Non-price competition refers to strategies that firms use to compete without changing the price of their goods or ...
From corporate finance, industrial organization, and international business, to markets, competition, and government regulation, HBS doctoral students in Business Economics delve into some of the most ...
Wassily Leontief (1905–1999) was the founding father of input-output economics, for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1973. This book offers a collection of papers in memory of Leontief by his ...
Some Examples of the Empire of Economic Lies A typical introductory economics textbook devotes most space to endless stories of “market failure” (free-rider problems, externalities, monopoly and ...
This paper reviews recent research in spatial economics. The field of spatial economics is concerned with the determinants and effects of the location of economic activity in geographic space. It ...
This journal utilises an Online Peer Review Service (OPRS) for submissions. By clicking "Continue" you will be taken to our partner site https://mc.manuscriptcentral ...
The economics faculty sit within the Department of Economics and Public Policy. Faculty research interests cover a wide range of topics, including the economics of the environment, innovation, health, ...
This centralisation of corporate power hinders competitive market dynamics, reinforcing economic bifurcation and diminishing innovation — an issue well-documented in monopoly and oligopoly theory.