The Meta Quest 2 is a great headset out of the box, but it can be even better if you pair it with the right accessories.
Even after all this time, I still think the Vive Pro is the best VR headset. Here's why newer VR headsets haven't convinced ...
XR Awards(前身为 VR Awards)自 2017 年起,便由国际扩展现实学院(AIXR)主办,致力于表彰在游戏、电影、教育培训等多个领域内 VR 应用的卓越成就。近日,第八届 XR Awards 在荷兰鹿特丹成功举办,共设有 16 个奖项 ...
Meta Platforms has formed a partnership with film director James Cameron's technology venture, Lightstorm Vision, to advance ...
游戏行业分析师张书乐发文表示,国行Switch的业绩本来就只是聊胜于无,一些服务的停止,只能算是腾讯和任天堂的止损。毕竟推动国行Switch只是当年两家合作的“明牌”,但皆知不可为。真正的合作,未来还是要看共同进行IP开发,打通手机、掌机、主机乃至P ...