Get your very own GO Hub t-shirt, mug, or tote. Stay updated with the latest Pokémon GO news, events, raid strategies, and top tier guides. Join a community of dedicated players and enhance your game ...
As you can imagine, there are a ton of different Poke Ball types across the entire series. Here's all 28 types and what they ...
Let's go over the best and strongest Poison-type Pokemon you can find in the entirety of the Pokemon universe.
During the creation of each Pokemon generation, the developers at Game Freak come up with a lot of concepts that don’t end up making the final cut. Some of these features end up used in later ...
The retellings are back! Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are the first pair of Pokémon retelling games, adding new legendary forms of Solgaleo and Lunala, more Ultra Beasts, and a bunch of post-game content.
It is one of the primary antagonists of Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, the updated re-release of the Generation 7 games, and can only be captured very late in the game. Since its release ...
Ranking the best Pokemon games ... what was to come in Sun and Moon. It also introduced yet more interesting Pokemon, including the addition of the fairy-type, as well as new social features.
30 at 5:27 p.m. EDT (2127 GMT). A new moon occurs when the moon is directly between Earth and the sun, with its shadowed side pointing towards us. You can see a new moon when it crosses the face ...
While the main series games will happily hold your hand - no more so than with Sun and Moon - Pokémon Go resolutely ... along with the rare Ultra Ball if you’re lucky, but this will depend ...
New moon: The moon is between Earth and the sun, and the side of the moon facing toward us receives no direct sunlight; it is lit only by dim sunlight reflected from Earth. Waxing crescent ...