In a pinch-himself moment, Peter Teale has made WA centre stage – again – in man’s second mission to the moon.
The New Space Race Since the last landing on the Moon by Apollo 17 in 1972, men have not ventured into space further than near-Earth orbit. This can also be considered the date at which space ...
Back in April, the White House issued a challenge to scientists to develop a lunar time standard to support future moon bases ...
Welcome to Edition 7.21 of the Rocket Report! We're publishing the Rocket Report a little early this week due to the ...
Based on a study published in May last year, the Moon’s inner core is indeed a ‘hard ball’. This research aims to provide an understanding of whether the core is solid or molten. In this piece, we ...
Space agency’s Dragonfly rotorcraft lander will launch no sooner than July 2028 on SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket.
Welcome to Wapakoneta, Ohio, where the corn grows tall, the skies are wide, and one small step for man becomes one giant leap ...
The Merry-Go-Round Museum in Sandusky is where childhood nostalgia gets a tune-up and takes you for a spin. This whimsical ...
American space agency NASA announced it has selected SpaceX to launch the Dragonfly mission to Titan closer to the end of the ...
"It's an exciting time on the spacecraft, getting these key deployments done." NASA's Europa Clipper mission has successfully ...
NASA gets in on the Yule log video craze with a fireplace full of Artemis SLS rocket engines. It brings 8.8 million pounds of ...
An annual Christmas-themed program will wrap up semester programming at the University of Wyoming Harry C. Vaughan ...