Groundbreaking UD study explores whether subtle language changes signal dementia, with community outreach as a cornerstone ...
The former acting director of the CIA has performed for Cub Scouts, church groups, and senior government officials from all ...
Constant pain, body shakes, skin sagging and premature ageing are just a few of the symptoms that women are reporting since ...
Decades ago, I started my microfinance journey by providing credit to landless rural women for enterprise  and community ...
"The older I get, the clearer I see the harm of letting others define what should or should not turn us on." “Do you want to ...
In a Switzerland study, two people with spinal cord injuries received deep brain stimulation therapy and were able to walk without assistance and even climb stairs.
You lean in, and so do they. You touch your ear, and so do they. You tilt your head, as do they. Mirroring reflects an innate ...
Wendy Altschuler loved watching her sons' eyes as they rode through Old Delhi in a rickshaw.
A network of police officers and parole staffers are helping people convicted of violent crimes to stabilize their lives.
BusinessWorld10 天Opinion
My Baguio retreat
I am writing this article in my room at Chalet Baguio while enjoying the cool weather, the scent of pine trees, and the beautiful mountain view. This morning, I took a short cab ride to the ...
HeartMath is a company that has done a lot of research and has a biofeedback system that helps people learn to manage their ...
One day in September, I stood in front of my open refrigerator, ravenous but unable to figure out what I should eat.