CNET has been covering the smart home space since even before the first Amazon Echo smart speaker launched over a decade ago. Whether it is lightbulbs and speakers or video doorbells and security ...
So the smoke has cleared on Android XR and Project Moohan — Samsung’s Apple Vision Pro competitor. While working through all the news around this new platform and mixed reality headset, I definitely ...
GOOGLE has introduced two lifesaving features to keep Android owners safe from Bluetooth stalking. Last year, the tech giant released a new Find My Device alert that notified Android users when an ...
In my view, there are three major players in Wear OS and the TicWatch Atlas by Mobvoi is one of those three and might be the best Wear OS watch on the market.
The Moxie robot that used cloud processing for a large language model was designed to be a companion and education tool for autistic children, and it's being unceremoniously shut down by the owners.