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Auto Trader’s head of strategy and insights, Marc Palmer, offered insight into consumer attitudes towards ...
耐磨环长使用聚氨酯、聚四氟乙烯、夹布合成树脂等材料。活塞的宽度由密封圈尺寸和必要的滑动部分长度来决定 SMC标准气缸MDBT32-125Z工作功能 产品信息 SMC标准气缸MDBT32-125Z工作功能 滑动部分太短,易引起早期磨损和死。活塞的材质常用铝合金和铸铁,小型缸 ...
Mercedes-Benz engineers in Germany showed Motor Authority its latest EV drivetrain innovation called In-Drive. It's a newly developed system that moves the brakes from behind the wheels to inside ...
Mercedes In-Drive system mounts the brakes to the electric motor In-Drive is a friction-based braking system Mercedes has In-Drive in active testing, hasn't given a timeline for production ...
The 2024 LA Motor Show is in full flow and there are a few new cars you can expect to see. Keep an eye on this page for all the latest news. Petrolheads from all over the world have descended on ...
From L.A. and Detroit to Geneva and Tokyo, MotorTrend covers every major auto show in the world as it happens. Although some shows are changing, others are ending, and new ones emerging ...