The anime adaptation of the short story "5-Oku-Nen Button" (500-Million-Year Button) from Sōta Sugahara's Minna no Tonio-chan manga series is getting a 14th episode on December 28 at 10:00 p.m. JST (8 ...
KaKa Creation and Frontier Works opened a website on Friday to announce an anime project titled Twins Hinahima that is made ...
Children’s book author-illustrator Maurice Sendak’s largest-ever retrospective, “Wild Things: The Art of Maurice Sendak,” is ...
The Amazing Kreskin launched his television career in the 1960s and remained popular for decades, appearing with everyone from Merv Griffin to Johnny Carson to Jimmy Fallon.
MGM+'s Earth Abides stars Alexander Ludwig and Jessica Frances Dukes spoke with us about Ish and Emma's apocalyptic journey and much more.
Books are the best gifts. Portable, relatively affordable and powerful enough to transport you anywhere throughout space and time, books don’t even require you to get out of bed or put on outdoor ...
There are few things more frustrating in cinema than when you have a quality script or great direction, only for it to be ...
Moana 2 looks as though it will end up one of the highest-grossing movies of all time, but how do it and its predecessor's ...
SUNY Potsdam has announced that they are opening an exhibition in Gibson Gallery, Showcasing Traveling Show, ‘Goddesses & ...