11月21日,微软Azure AI服务团队宣布公测最新翻译应用——Microsoft Translator Pro,这一面向企业的服务旨在提供便捷的本地化体验,帮助职场用户跨越语言障碍,实现无缝沟通。目前,这款应用已在iOS平台上线,尽管尚未在中国区App Store推出,但美国用户已能体验其强大功能。 Microsoft Translator Pro的核心功能是实时语音对语音翻译,这一创新极大提 ...
随着全球经济的日益融合,语言障碍已成为企业跨国沟通的一大难题。为了帮助企业提升沟通效率,微软于2024年11月21日宣布公测其最新的翻译应用——Microsoft Translator Pro。这款应用借助尖端的AI技术,致力于在职场环境中实现实时、多语种的语音翻译,减少语言壁垒带来的困扰。 Microsoft Translator Pro作为微软Azure AI服务的一部分,首批在iOS平台上线 ...
【ITBEAR】微软近日正式推出了其最新的应用——Microsoft Translator Pro,这款应用旨在通过独立的本地移动体验,帮助企业员工跨越职场中的语言障碍。 据悉,Microsoft Translator ...
IT之家 11 月 22 日消息,微软昨日(11 月 21 日)发布博文,宣布以限量公开预览的形式,推出 Microsoft Translator Pro 应用,通过独立的本地移动体验,帮助企业员工消除职场中的语言障碍。 该应用现已在 iOS 平台(IT之家查询苹果中国 App Store,暂未上线,但美国已 ...
Microsoft Teams users will soon be able to use cloned versions of their voices to speak and translate conversation in real ...
“My name is Taqqiq, I can read text,” said one of the voices users can choose in Inuktitut, during a demonstration. Taqqiq is the artificial intelligence-generated male voice option. Siqniq, a female ...
Star Trek inspired much of the technology commonplace in today's world, and now Microsoft is releasing its version of a ...
Discover new Microsoft Teams features designed to boost productivity, enhance collaboration, and secure your hybrid work ...
A new AI-powered interpreter is expected to simulate speakers’ voices in different languages during Microsoft Teams meetings.
Microsoft will soon launch an AI agent in Teams that will allow users to clone their voice and translate their speech in real-time, the company announced at its Ignite event. "Imagine being able ...