Air sorters, sieve shakers, and gravity separators are used to separate based on density and size. Color sorting is performed using machines or by hand. Final grading is based on size, growing ...
生乳在进入生产前必须进行质量检测,检测的意义在于确保原料奶的质量,防止掺假,维护以质论价的社会公平交易秩序。 生乳质量检测指标很多,生乳冰点值是其中非常重要的一项指标。 生鲜牛奶的冰点检测是检测牛奶中是否掺水掺杂的重要指标,而且通过 ...
A laboratory shaker is an instrument used to stir liquids. The device comprises a motor powered plate that oscillates horizontally or orbitally. Plates may be designed so that liquids contained in ...
HS 501 digital is a low profile laboratory reziprocal shaker with a pleasant design, large mounting surface and load capacity of up to 15 kg.