While He did speak about hell sometimes, He focused much more often on heaven, God's love, forgiveness, and hope. He spent ...
Hell is the opposite of Heaven - it is eternity in the absence ... For no-one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation ...
Jesus taught that Hell is a place to be greatly feared ... but also that most people are not pure and good enough to go to Heaven straight away. For them, Purgatory is the state of waiting ...
As Christians, we believe that the body passes from its corruptible state into an incorruptible state because Jesus ...
A redeemer is a person who pays ransom, reclaims, recovers, and saves someone. We as christians, know Jesus as our redeemer, it was him who redeemed us from our sins.
But as heaven and hell are everlasting ... We should bear always in mind these words of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: "What doth it profit a man if he gain the whole world and suffer the ...
The idea of heaven and hell exists in many belief systems. Fire representing hell and some idyllic garden or clouds and angels are the images that come to mind when the terms heaven and hell are used.