Additionally, the 1-inch cones mature in autumn and stay attached to the tree for several years. Although it tolerates drought, when given regular water applications, Arizona cypress grows around 3 ...
The nuts of the Nallatumma tree are highly sought after for their ability to treat a wide range of digestive disorders. The powdered form of Nallatumma nuts is also used in traditional oral care. The ...
Now found across all parts of the island from sea level up to around 700 metres, acacia has displaced many native species of not only trees, shrubs and other plant life. Also the native animals ...
Growing up in the 50s one of the conversation starters was that of the 'Widow Maker' which is a colloquial term utilised for want of a technical word - gum tree branches falling unexpectedly. In ...
What else is there to think about? Money is power. Everybody else is thinking of money, don’t be worried. Even those who are thinking of the other world are also thinking of money. Money ...
Nestlé Romania continued the “Honey Forest” project in 2024, part of the company’s commitment to the environment, planting another 20,000 acacia trees on an area of four hectares in the Chiselet ...