随着 fragment design 与 Nike 推出全新 Air Zoom Spiridon 联名鞋款,藤原浩特地携手日本著名电影制作人是枝裕和、新锐导演金子实怜奈打造 FRGMT 首支球鞋主题电影短片《oFFERING(SPIRIDON)》。
The box office sales of China's moviegoing season ringing in the New Year have reached about 1.63 billion yuan (about 227 ...
‘Love In My Heart’ Short Film | AHYEON ...
The Art Academy 1994, directed by Professor Liu Jian at China Academy of Art (CAA) and produced by Yingchuang Culture, a Hangzhou-based company in Xihu district, has been shortlisted for the 97th ...