BEIJING, Nov. 29 (Xinhua) — A speech delivered by Chinese President Xi Jinping at a national conference held on Sept. 27 to commend role models for ethnic unity and progress, has been published as ...
霸王茶姬联合ELLE,发起「CHAGEE,GIRLS TOGETHER!」女性群像企划,拥抱更自由、包容、多元的美。GIRLS TOGETHER是女性的凝聚力,我们相信彼此都能成为坚不可摧的人。斯巴达职业运动员KELLY ...
"It's really an example for numerous cites in China, but it is also an example, a model for the rest of the world," experts and media professionals shared their insights on Xiamen's ecological ...
Diocesan School for Girls(奥克兰拔萃女校)是一间建于1903年的私立基督教女校,位于奥克兰城市中心的富人区Epsom,交通十分方便,距离奥克兰中央商务区和奥克兰大学仅10分钟车程。
In a strict boarding school nestled in the Himalayas, 16-year-old Mira discovers desire and romance. But Mira's mother, who never got to come of age herself, disrupts her rebellious sexual awakening.
In its seventh year with Formula E, FIA Girls on Track has helped over 4,500 young women through educational race week ...
芮丝是在逛药妆店时,突然发现中华队球员岳东华的背影,只见他蹲在地上挑选东西,于是便走到后方哼起岳东华应援曲,还立刻搭配手势,岳东华当下一度傻眼,但还是忍不住遮住脸尬笑。由于平时都是搭配音乐跳应援,让难得开口清唱的芮丝,跳到忍不住笑场。不过岳东华还是很 ...
Originally intending to be an English teacher, Jim McKay moved instead into the realm of documentaries, music videos and public service spots. This eventually led to features and the release of "Girls ...
太好了是girls help girls,我们有救了!
《Girls' Park》的故事围绕着一群年轻女性的成长与探索,这些女孩们在面对外界标准与内心挣扎时,找到了真正的自我接纳与自信。我们跟随她们的脚步,见证她们逐渐勇敢地面对社会的审视,并在这过程中形成了深厚的友情与支持。动漫通过系统小Q的引导,让每个角色都有机会反思自己,提升自我价值。
现年39岁的台湾女星李毓芬曾是“Dream Girls”成员之一,与郭雪芙、宋米秦组成的女团在当年风靡一时,成为不少人心中的童年回忆。如今,郭雪芙活跃於戏剧圈,宋米秦推出新单曲回归乐坛,而李毓芬则较少出现在公众视野中,近况引发粉丝关注。李毓芬19日难得更新社交媒体,分享了一张素颜居家照,曝光了自然真 ...
Si estás aburrido y te preguntas qué hacer en Veracruz este fin de semana, no te preocupes, en este artículo te compartimos un recuento de los eventos que se ...