Introduced during the Super sequel, the Super Saiyan transformation infused with God Ki was used by Goku and Vegeta during most of that series. While Super Saiyan Blue seems like a fairly ...
Some of the most broken characters in the series are back in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero. Learn all about Gogeta's moves and ...
Dragon Ball Z introduced the iconic rivalry between Goku and Vegeta that many fans can't get enough of, even if some of their ...
You’ve reached your account maximum for followed topics. Instead of playing as Goku or Vegeta, these Dragon Ball games allow players to create and customize their very own ultra-powerful character.
A fusion between Broly and Gohan could lead ... who have been relied upon whenever Goku and Vegeta have come across a villain who is far too strong for either of them to face alone or even ...
Dragon Ball Super’s previous chapter left fans on a true doomsday scenario as Goku, Vegeta, and the others had been utterly defeated by Planet Eater Moro, but the newest chapter of the series ...
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 102 picks up shortly after Goku and Vegeta since Gohan’s ki, and sees Goku then inviting Gohan to a new sparring match on Beerus’ planet to test out this new form.