New research reports the most powerful cosmic rays ever detected. Because the rays lose energy as they travel through space, ...
"My dream would be to see a mission going to a Martian cave or to a Martian lava tube, because one of those caves could be ...
Ultra-high energy cosmic rays, which emerge in extreme astrophysical environments—like the roiling environments near black ...
Energetic particles that pop briefly into existence when cosmic rays hit Earth’s atmosphere could help assess hidden damage ...
Using a decade’s worth of data from the H.E.S.S. telescopes in Namibia, they’ve observed a sharp kink in the energy spectrum ...
The most powerful cosmic-ray electrons and positrons ever detected slamming into Earth's atmosphere carry energies so high ...
Where does all that energy come from? For many years, scientists believed it came from shocks that occur in extreme astrophysical environments -- when, for example, a star explodes before forming a ...
Scientists have a problem with cosmic rays—they produce too many muons at the Earth's surface. Cascades of muons are ...
Scientists at the HESS observatory in Namibia have found the most energetic cosmic rays ever detected, reaching up to 40 ...