Ishiba added that "China's stable development benefits the entire region," noting that he would promote the strategic ...
很多人一定看过这样的说法:冬天才是减肥最好的时候。比如前几天就有热议#冬天不宜减肥其实是错的#。图片来源:网络说得没错的是,冬天的确会因为冷增加一些基础代谢:棕色脂肪被刺激,变得更高效工作[10]。不过扎心的是,大量的调研数据都发现,冬天才是真正长胖 ...
In an exclusive interview with Guangming Online, Dr. Balew Demissie, Communication and Publication Consultant at the Policy ...
According to a staff member of the China Southern Airlines, the expansion of the scope of visa-free countries is expected to ...
BEIJING, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Samoan Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata'afa in Beijing on Tuesday, saying China is willing to make empowering Pacific Island countries ...
China strongly opposes the United States' latest control measures on semiconductor export, the Ministry of Commerce said ...
"China has got a lot of things to offer. You can find about five to ten things that you think you can implement back home, ...
"China has got a lot of things to offer. You can find about five to ten things that you think you can implement back home, but when you come again, you see new things," said Joseph Yopyyopy, a member ...
编者按:人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)及其导致的获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS),如同“血色阴霾”威胁着人类健康。回首我国近四十年的“博艾”征途,逐渐形成了日趋完善的“中国方案”,构筑了坚实的艾滋病诊疗防线。在第37个“世界艾滋病日”到来之际,《感染医线 ...
SHANGHAI, Nov. 22 (Xinhua) -- The China International Travel Mart 2024, organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, kicked off Friday in Shanghai, bringing together exhibitors from over 80 ...
How to “Understanding China” in Sports? When we talk about "Understanding China," we often focus on economy, technology, or ...
新闻提要■面临百年酷旱,非洲南部国家为解饥荒危机,正屠杀大象与其他野生动物。精句选粹■Countries in southern Africa are slaughtering elephants and other wild animals to ...