乘船游重庆也是许多游客的选择。长江和嘉陵江环抱重庆,也将主城区分割成多个部分,在重庆日常出行绕不开“过江”。随着一声响亮的船笛,来自北京的游客孟媛媛搭乘的“半岛小渡”从重庆九龙坡区的码头启航驶向渝中区。这是今年9月重庆市中心区域新增的一条水上游览航线 ...
International travel to China has surged. In the third quarter of 2024, inbound trips by foreign nationals exceeded 8.1 ...
Uma zona de 600 quilômetros quadrados, localizada aproximadamente 300 quilômetros a sudoeste de Beijing, foi aprovada como o ...
When southern diners meet northern diners, many new ways of eating Harbin dishes stew in iron pots and new services have ...
11月22日,国际金融论坛(IFF)第21届全球年会(F20峰会)在中国香港举行。兴业银行凭借在双碳管理平台项目上的探索实践,荣获“IFF全球绿色金融奖——创新奖”。 兴业银行自主研发的双碳管理平台是国内银行业首个融合企业碳账户与个人碳账户的管理平台,为碳金融创新、服务碳中和、应对碳关税、打造ESG管理体系等方面提供了数字化组件支撑,丰富了业务场景和产品创新。依托“碳大脑”,该行不断探索绿色金融“ ...
Empresas europeias e chinesas, juntamente com departamentos governamentais relevantes, estão preparando uma cerimônia de boas ...
Koleksi gambar ini menunjukkan deretan kenderaan tenaga baharu (NEV) sedia untuk diedarkan di Pusat Pengedaran Automobil ...
According to a staff member of the China Southern Airlines, the expansion of the scope of visa-free countries is expected to bring an increase in consumption at the end of the year. Industries ...
Otro ejemplo concreto es el transporte de automóviles. Un contenedor tradicional de 40 pies solo puede llevar dos autos como ...
由西部国际传播中心打造的重庆首档国际传播融媒栏目《Let's Meet》第57期于11月23日在重庆卫视播出。 The first all-English international broadcast program in Chongqing, ...