Cartoon Brew is putting the spotlight on animated short films that have qualified for the 2025 Oscars. In this installment, we’re looking at Tennis, Oranges from American filmmaker Sean Pecknold. The ...
Two college freshmen conspire to simultaneously dump their exes in Jordan Weiss’s unremarkable debut feature. By Jeannette Catsoulis The political turmoil of Peru in the 1990s serves as the ...
"Queer," attempts to provide an ending to the unfinished classic 20th-century William S. Boroughs novel of the same name. "Queer" — Guadagnino's second movie of the year following the hyped ...
If you haven’t watched Interior Chinatown‘s 10 episodes on Hulu yet, you’re missing out on one of the year’s weirdest, wildest rides. The story gets even weirder as the mystery delves ...
Cobra Kai star Ralph Macchio has teased a “big 80s movie ending” for the Karate Kid spin-off series. Appearing on a Sony Pictures panel (via Variety), Macchio and co-star William Zabka ...