Kevin Atwater, portrayed by LaRoyce Hawkins on Chicago PD, has earned a beloved status among fans with his relentless dedication to justice and his complex family backstory. However, recent ...
Chicago PD Season 12 is one of the premieres we’re looking forward to, and we’re looking ahead at what’s to come for some of ...
Chicago PD recently returned with its twelfth season. The recent episode proved to be an entertaining watch but the absence of Detective Kevin Atwater, played by LaRoyce Hawkins, has fans confused.
The actor talks about Soffer's season 10 exit and previews Wednesday's Atwater-centric hour ... The creator of the 'Law & Order,' 'Chicago' and 'FBI' franchises opens up to ET about making ...
In an exciting twist, the storyline will bring in Chicago PD’s Kevin Atwater for a crossover appearance, marking one of the few post-COVID-19 crossover events fans have been waiting for.
If you ever wondered if we’d revisit Gloria Perez and the complex relationship between her and Torres, well, we have our answer as Torres takes center stage during Chicago PD Season 12 Episode 7.