The Ukrainian FA have written a furious letter to Fifa for their 'unacceptable error' ahead of the World Cup 2026 qualifying ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina has made important advancements in its reform agenda, which are also important for the EU accession ...
The seven countries that met the safe guideline of five micrograms per cubic metre of air (µg/m3) or less were Australia, ...
The Western Balkan country hopes to build not only a road but also closer ties to the EU in hopes of joining the bloc in the ...
Communist countries had a fondness for gargantuan projects that showed the mastery of human science and ingenuity over their ...
On November 20, 2024, the administration of United States President Joe Biden announced the transfer of antipersonnel ...
The Ocean Alliance (OACM) signed an MOU with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ministry of Tourism and Environment last week ...
Anticipating the World Day of Peace on Jan. 1, Pope Francis renewed John Paul’s appeals earlier this month, asking for the ...
Serbian journalist Radmilo Markovic has gone over every full stop and comma of an article about the powerful mayor of ...
This does not preclude the presence of indigenous minorities, like the 20% of Palestinian Arabs and Druse in Israel. Many ...
Reflecting on International Anti-Corruption Day, I recall my first visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina years ago.  A visitor is ...