Currently, the only way to catch Shiny Rayquaza in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is by beating the Tera Raid while it’s around. The good news is that Rayquaza is guaranteed to be Shiny in this event, so ...
If you plan on using Spotlight Hours to Shiny hunt, the best approach is to use an Incense and explore. Tap on every Pokemon you see, and if they aren’t Shiny, don’t bother catching them ...
When do Raid Hours take place in Pokemon Go? Each week, Niantic hosts a special Raid Hour to give players a better chance at catching the current 5-Star Raid Pokemon. All of the Gyms that have ...
Students from Chadron Primary and Chadron Intermediate worked to get their wishes ready to go for Santa this year.
Clarabelle thanks Pete for delivering the cake as the gang participate in an Easter egg hunt. The Best Easter Party song is reprised with the same events and fantasy scene, with Pete, Clarabelle, and ...