El dijous 28 de novembre, el Moll de Marina del Port Olímpic es convertirà en l'epicentre de l'aventura amb la gran presentació del Dakar 2025. Pilots llegendaris com Laia Sanz, Nani Roma i Isidre ...
If you ask any Barcelona local to name the best Catalan invention of all time, nine out of ten will probably reply "el pa amb tomàquet!" (bread rubbed with tomato). More than a simple recipe, culinary ...
ORIGEN, de Xevi Bayona et Àlex Posada, transformera la Plaça de Sant Jaume en une étoile géante à vingt branches à Noël, évoquant la naissance de l'univers par la lumière. Cette installation de Noël ...
Montjuïc Hill has borne witness to, and been the focus of key events that have shaped its personality. The first such event was the 1929 International Exhibition held in Barcelona which fostered the ...
Barcelona has its own distinct melody. It sounds of the sea, of terraces full of people, of the wind blowing down from the mountains, of crowds and the Mediterranean. But if you want to hear its most ...
Barcelona offers a wide range of gastronomic delights to suit all tastes and pockets. Many people go on short breaks to the city just to eat at some of its world-renowned restaurants. But the city ...
Regina Silveira (Porto Alegre, 1939) is one of Brazil's pioneers when it comes to experimenting with new technologies for the technical reproduction and circulation of images. This multimedia artist ...
Le Parc d'Attractions du Tibidabo se transforme ce Noël en un lieu magique et illusoire. Une éblouissante patinoire durable sur la Plaça dels Somnis vous invite à patiner avec des vues panoramiques de ...
La Navidad tiene infinitas bandas sonoras, desde clásicos imprescindibles hasta villancicos modernos que resuenan año tras año. El espectáculo Candlelight ofrece en el Real Círculo Artístico de Barcel ...
The city streets are an extension of the lives of its inhabitants; they are part of their homes, their way of sharing and living together in what is, in short, their home or everyone's home. If we ...
White Rabbit the Off-Museum is an innovative space where Catalan culture is presented in a unique and contemporary way. With 10 installations created by artists linked to Barcelona, the museum offers ...