Huawei's new Mate 70 smartphone contains a chip whose design shows only an "incremental improvement" over its predecessor and ...
Intel's CFO, currently one of its interim CEOs, says Intel is already separating its manufacturing business' finances from ...
The findings contradict enthusiasm on Chinese social media, where users claimed the new Kirin 9020 had a performance boost of ...
Huawei Mate 70: "The Kirin 9020 processor is not a dramatic redesign but rather an incremental improvement over its ...
The Huawei Mate 70 chip is not what you think. A recent teardown has revealed it's not a 5nm chip that was rumored.
Huawei Technologies Co.'s latest flagship smartphone is powered by a chip little different from the one that set off alarm ...
近日,产业研究机构TechInsights公布了对华为最新旗舰手机Mate 70 ...
陆厂华为Mate 70系列旗舰手机12月4日正式开卖,其搭载最新1代处理器「麒麟9020」备受外界关注。研究公司TechInsights表示,华为Mate 70搭载的晶片,其设计只比上一代产品略有改进,同样是採用7奈米技术制造。TechIns ...
独立分析显示,华为最新推出的Mate 70系列旗舰机所采用的晶片与前一代手机几乎一致,显示这家中国科技巨头的半导体技术进展停滞,五纳米晶片的技术难关尚未攻克。 据彭博社星期四(12月12日)报道,咨询公司TechInsights研究人员对Mate ...
华为Mate 70系列在性能上相较Mate 60系列,有了较大幅度的提升,光是跑分成绩就有了30%的提升幅度。再加上HarmonyOS NEXT系统的底层优化支持以及插帧技术的使用,至少Mate 70系列的性能表现不至于成为短板。
华为Mate 70 Pro+搭载的麒麟9020处理器近日引发了广泛关注。产业研究权威机构TechInsights在对该机型进行拆解分析后,揭示了麒麟9020与麒麟9010之间的微妙关系。 据TechInsights透露,麒麟9020并非如外界早前猜测的那样是麒麟9010的“超级增强版”,而是基于麒麟9010的进一步优化版本。两款芯片在制造工艺上并未发生显著变化,但在封装标记上却保持了一致性,比如都 ...