的特有種,在佛羅里達大沼澤地的大草原地帶棲息,由於受開發和棲息地的破壞的威脅,本亞種被列為瀕危物種受瀕危物種法案(英語:Endangered Species Act of 1973)的保護。 黑貂角海濱沙鵐平均約13~14公分長,背部為深橄欖灰色,尾巴和翅膀呈橄欖褐色,成鳥腹部 ...
The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has announced a proposal to list three subspecies of giraffe as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and a further two species as threatened. If ...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed new protections for giraffes, saying their populations are threatened by ...
The red-cockaded woodpecker in the Southeast is no longer federally endangered, thanks to decades of conservation work; the ...
A Nov. 21 proposal to the Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission recommended downgrading the classifications of the broadhead ...
The Endangered Species Act, enacted in 1973, establishes protections for fish, wildlife and plants that are listed as threatened or endangered. Under the act, federal agencies are required to ...
"Each species that is lost triggers the loss of other species within its ecosystem. Humans depend on healthy ecosystems to ...
A Florida panther was hit and killed by a vehicle Friday, marking the 30th death this year for the endangered species, ...
New York, New Jersey, and Delaware are facing federal lawsuits after being accused of violating the Endangered Species Act by allowing commercial fisheries to kill Atlantic sturgeon without the proper ...