X-Men: The Animated Series is widely remembered as a groundbreaking show, particularly for how it handled complex, emotional ...
X-Men: The Animated Series is celebrated as one of the greatest animated shows ever, with captivating storytelling and themes ...
The creative team behind X-Men: The Animated Series recount having a “big fight” with Marvel over which villains would menace the mutants in the show’s premiere episode, “Night of the ...
There are cartoons, anime, short films, short series, short films turned into short series, web series, adult-oriented animation, and that’s before digging into all the individual genres, like old ...
Dan Hennessey, a voice actor and director for animated shows, has died. He was 82. Hennessey is best known for voicing ...
Season 3 completes the anthology with different genres and more humor, led by a host of new characters, including Storm as ...